
Get comfy in crypto

Get a secure vault setup for your JPGs, trade memes and art OTC, earn merch, allowlist setup for artists, Discord setup and more++

How CheckID Works

  • Do business with high trust people who have a solid reputation for the service you need.

  • CheckID reduces the risk of procuring services from strangers in Web3.0.

  • CheckID makes it safer to offer your services and build a solid reputation for what you do.

MintFace logo

The CheckID logo is a mark of trust in crypto.

CheckID Service Directory

CheckID services currently available:

The CheckID marketplace introduces you to trusted providers for:

0/ Fun

1/ Security

2/ Seize Tech

3/ Seize Trades

MintFace logo

4/ Merchandise

5/ Artists

6/ Web2.0

MintFace logo

Service Vacancies

CheckID services requested currently awaiting a CheckID Issuer to offer:

Become a CheckID Issuer to qualify for offering one of the services above or one that is specific to your skillset.

MintFace logo

Who Issues CheckIDs?

Approved, high reputation individuals can issue CheckID's for their area of domain expertise.CheckID is underpinned by Seize Card #227Issuers must meet the following criteria:1. Hold 10 or more of Seize Card #2272. Check credentials in a unique domain of knowledge not already offered by CheckID.

CheckID Issuers

Who is CheckID for?

CheckID connects you with high trust people who have a solid reputation in crypto for the service you need.Get the best advice, access, utility and service from people who understand crypto, NFTs, the technology and the community dynamics.


Get Check ID

Get setup safely in crypto with services that let you do more.


During the time of the Stoics, beginning circa 300 BCE, workers were generally referred to by terms that reflected their roles in society.Freemen or Free Workers (ἐλεύθεροι, eleutheroi) were individuals who were not enslaved but worked for wages or owned small businesses.


Freemen provide the services that make crypto comfy for new users and safer for even the most experienced crypto degens. Freemen have proven themselves as high trust individuals over a consistent period of time.


A Crypto Stoic approaches the volatile world of Web3.0 with calmness... patience... and resilience... embodying the principles of Stoicism.CryptoStoics focus on maintaining emotional equilibrium through market gyrations... emphasizing long-term strategy and inner peace over short-term gains and anxieties.

CryptoStoic Spartacus


🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ 5+ SELF Cards

Spartacus is celebrated for his courage and leadership in fighting for the freedom of enslaved people, and his legacy endures as a symbol of resistance and defiance against oppression.

  • punk6529

  • mintface

  • ruskin

  • captainderp

  • giopetto

  • gart3

  • SofaKingRekt

CryptoStoics show dedication through ownership of 'Sculptor of Self: The Odyssey of Becoming' also known simply as 'SELF'

CheckID Issuers are able to personalise their service offerings or introduce exclusively across three Crypto Stoic tiers.

CryptoStoic Seneca


🎖️🎖️🎖️ to 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ 3 - 4 SELF Cards

Seneca is best known for his philosophical works, which emphasize ethics, reason, and the importance of virtue.

  • punksladsmemes

  • skywalker

  • mememaxis

  • brookr

  • ricodemus

  • vuvuzelaela

  • Hugo Faz



🎖️🎖️ 2 SELF Cards

Zeno's teachings emphasized the importance of living in harmony with nature, practicing virtue, and maintaining rationality and self-control.

  • angol

  • batsoupyum

  • regulardad

  • dsanchesGM

  • web3at50

  • Fitzcarraldo777

  • 0xCuttlefish

  • jonnypickles

  • 100series

  • vesper

  • eddiejpegs

Crypto Stoics listed are correct as of 18th August 2024. View the latest CryptoStoics on Seize.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 001

Pebble Buy

Acquire coveted rarities

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Pebble Buy service assists you in acquiring a Pebble artwork with trait attributes thought highly of by current holders.🤑 5% of purchase price for a successful NFT Pebble acquisition is due to checkid.eth.A Pebble recommendation will be made taking into account what we know about Pebbles so far including:

💎 MintFace overview article of Pebble Size and Palette traits🍒 Deep dive article on five of the rarer traits📺 Overview video covering the Pebbles collection🧵 Trait overview thread by MintFace

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 001

Pebble Buy

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Pebble Buy service assists you in acquiring a Pebble artwork with trait attributes thought highly of by the current holders.🤑 5% of purchase price for a successful NFT Pebble acquisition is due to checkid.eth.

Two Available Profiles can EscrowLendoor 1: Trust Level 59
Lendoor 2: Trust Level 54

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 002


Level. Up in the Digital Nation

Service provided by:

MintFace logo
  • The TDH Buy service provides you a Meme Shopping List to ensure you pay the least amount of Eth for meme objects emitting the most TDH.

  • Service Fee payable on application of 0.05 eth for TDH Buy.


Tell us your eth allocation for a TDH Buy. Min 0.5 eth.We create a Meme Shopping List of the highest TDH (total days held) memes.You execute the transactions directly on your chosen marketplace.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 002


Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The TDH Buy service provides you a Meme Shopping List to ensure you pay the least amount of Eth for meme objects emitting the most TDH.


MintFace logo

CheckID Service 003


7 Day Eth Lending

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The LendEth service facilitates short term lending of eth between borrowoor and loanoor.Loan value is for 0.5 eth or less (not more) and paid back within 7 days.Application fee payable to loanooor is 0.05 Ξ.Repayment is 100% of principal lent.



Selection and introduction of high trust lender and high trust borrower.Transaction is completed directly between lender and borrower.Rating of lender, borrower and CheckID for service provision.

Four Available LendersLendoor 1: Trust Level 63
Lendoor 2: Trust Level 53
Lendoor 3: Trust Level 43
Lendoor 4: Trust Level 21

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 003


Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The OTCLoan service facilitates short term lending of eth between borrowoor and loanoor.Loan value is for 0.5 eth or less (not more) and paid back within 7 days.Application fee payable to loanooor is 0.05 Ξ.Repayment is 100% of principal lent.


Four Available LendersLendoor 1: Trust Level 63
Lendoor 2: Trust Level 53
Lendoor 3: Trust Level 43
Lendoor 4: Trust Level 21

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 004


100,000 rep on demand

Service provided by MintFace

MintFace logo

The LendRep service facilitates short term lending of rep between rep borrowoor and rep loanoor.

You may borrow between 20,000 and 100,000 rep for a fixed period of 30 days.🤑 Service fee payable directly to spritey.checkid.eth at 0.01 eth for 20,000 rep.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 004


Service provided by MintFace

MintFace logo

The LendRep service facilitates short term lending of rep between rep borrowoor and rep loanoor.

You may borrow between 20,000 and 100,000 rep for a fixed period of 30 days.🤑 Service fee payable directly to spritey.checkid.eth at 0.01 eth for 20,000 rep.


Two Available LendersLendoor 1: Trust Level 56
Lendoor 2: Trust Level 36
Rep loan will be withdrawn if used for purposes other than you requested.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 005


identity check

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The PassLook CheckID service matches your passport name to your government name listed on your Seize profile.The PassLook CheckID Service Fee is 0.05 eth to checkid.eth and 10,000 rep to the CheckID Affiliate.



A PassLook requestor shows passport name and photo over Zoom. Show only information already published on Seize and cover rest of document.Passport name must matchy matchy name on Seize.

  • On Success: +1000 rep 'PassLook'

  • On Failure: -1000 rep 'PassLook'

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 005


Service provided by MintFace

MintFace logo

The PassLook CheckID service matches your passport name to your government name listed on your Seize profile.The PassLook CheckID Service Fee is 0.05 eth to checkid.eth and 10,000 rep to the CheckID Affiliate.


MintFace logo

CheckID Service 006

Allowlist Setup

reward your collectors

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Allowlist Setup service assists with setting up a multi-phase allowlist for your art drop or NFT project.🤑 Service Fee is:
0.1 per allowlist
2 allowlist places ea for CryptoStoics



Prioritise existing collectoors to receive your next art drop.Avoid gas wars for hotly contested project drops.Allocate your tokens taking into account both existing and new collectors..

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 006

Allowlist Setup

reward your collectors

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Allowlist Setup service assists with setting up a multi-phase allowlist for your art drop or NFT project.🤑 Service Fee is:
0.1 per allowlist
2 allowlist places ea for CryptoStoics

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 007

Price Alert

New miss a juicy offer again

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Price Alert service notifies you by email wen a Pebble artwork hits your desired buy or sell price so you can trade first.Never miss a juicy offer or listing again.Service fee is 5% of NFT price after a successful trade to web3at50.checkid.eth.


Decide which Pebbles or traits you wish to set Price Alerts for.Set a sell or buy price level that triggers the email alert.Pay nothing for price alert setup. A 5% of trade value is due after a successful trade is made for. a Pebble with an alert setup.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 007

Price Alert

Service provided by MintFace

MintFace logo

The Price Alert service notifies you by email wen a Pebble artwork hits your desired buy or sell price so you can trade first.Never miss a juicy offer or listing again.Service fee is 5% of NFT price after a successful trade to web3at50.checkid.eth.


MintFace logo

CheckID Service 009

Vault Setup

Digital asset protection

Service provided by:

MintFace logo
  • The Vault Setup service creates an on-chain vault for your valuable NFTs and crypto that you control entirely

  • Never lose your digital wealth to a scam again

  • One off setup fee is 0.1 Ξ to checkid.eth


⚒️ Your vault is setup on your behalf by MintFace.🔐 You decide the wallets that can unlock your vault.🔥Your hot wallets and hardware wallets act as vault keys.🥷You will never be asked for a seed phrase.🍒 After setup, temporary CheckID access is revoked.✅ You transfer your digital assets to your vault.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 009

Vault Setup

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Vault Setup service creates an on-chain vault for your valuable NFTs and eth.Never lose your digital wealth to a scam again.


You can also add more wallets after setup.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 010

Mint like a Gradient

Get Allowlist Access.

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Mint Like a Gradient service gives you access to mint memes as if you owned a gradient.Never lose out in P2 on a popular meme again.🤑 Service fee is 0.06529 Ξ paid directly to the gradient owner.


Your wallet is given the same minting rights of a Gradient owner for a period of 48 hours.You receive allowlist as if you owned a gradient.You mint with your wallet via Seize.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 010

Mint like a Gradient

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Mint Like a Gradient service gives you access to mint memes as if you owned a gradient.Never lose out in P2 on a popular meme again.🤑 Service fee is 0.06529 Ξ paid to checkid.eth.


Two Available Gradient Owners offer CheckID Service 010Gradient 1: Trust Level 54
Gradient 2: Trust Level 50

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 011

Artist Setup on The Line

get your art in the metaverse

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Line Curation is for artists who want to join The Line, a dedicated 3D gallery open 24x7 globally.The Line will eventually exhibit over 1 million artworks in a single line.

  • Host private art tours on The Line

  • Launch new art collections on The Line

  • Include your show on The Line in proposals to traditional galleries

🤑 Service fee setup is 0.06529 eth paid to checkid.eth.🤑 For 6529 meme artists service fee is 1x artist meme card.


You will have an artist presence created for you on The Line.Your art will be added to The Line and connected to the existing galleries of 1000+ artists.You will be able to host events on your segment of The Line.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 011

Artist Setup on The Line

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

The Line Curation is for artists. Get the art you created added to The Line for you.

  • Host private art tours

  • Launch new art collections

  • Include in proposals to traditional galleries

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 012

Flex My Pebble

Raise the profile of your Pebble.

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Flex My Pebble is for Pebble hodlers to have their favourite Pebble featured in a 'Guide to Pebbles' booklet.You will receive a free copy of the 'Guide to Pebbles' booklet.

🤑 Service fee setup is 10,000 rep per Pebble to MintFace on Seize.Thank you to everyone who submitted their Pebbles for flexing. We are now FULLY SUBSCRIBED for the project.Email [email protected] to receive advance notice of the Pebbles book release.


  • Your Pebble will be featured in the 'Guide to Pebbles' booklet.

  • Your Pebble will be featured along with a short description of the aesthetic.

  • Available for 100 Pebbles.

  • If more than 100 Pebbles are submitted for entry, priority will be given to the highest Level Pebble holders.

  • Final decision on which Pebbles are featured of those submitted are entirely with MintFace.

  • Any Pebble not selected may remove their 10,000 rep.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 012

Flex My Pebble

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Flex My Pebble is for Pebble hodlers to have their favourite Pebble featured in a 'Guide to Pebbles' booklet.You will receive a free copy of the 'Guide to Pebbles' booklet.

🤑 Service fee setup is 10,000 rep per Pebble to MintFace on Seize.

Tell us your Pebble lore in 2 - 3 sentences. Pebble name... Fav trait and why...

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 013

Setup Meme Node

Be part of decentralization

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Setup Meme Node is for people to virtually host a node and actively contribute to the Meme Protocol.You will get a Meme Node setup for you that follows the 6529 Prenode setup protocol

✅ Meme Node Setup included✅ Amazon web hosting of Meme Node✅ Domain registration🤑 Pay monthly 0.042 eth or quarterly 0.11 eth🤑 Set and Forget 20% OFF annual 0.42 eth


  • Your Meme Node will be setup and synchronised to the rest of the 6529 network. Kind of like Ethereum or BTC...except with memes.

  • Each Meme Node added to the network increases the strength of the network.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 013

Setup Meme Node

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Setup Meme Node is for people to virtually host a node and actively contribute to the Meme Protocol.You will get a Meme Node setup for you that follows the 6529 Prenode setup protocol

✅ Meme Node Setup included✅ Amazon web hosting of Meme Node✅ Domain registration🤑 Pay monthly 0.042 eth or quarterly 0.11 eth🤑 Set and Forget 20% OFF annual 0.42 eth

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 014

Setup Vault Boss

get a vault to store memes

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Vault Boss is for people to never transact from their vault again.You will choose a wallet to act as the 'boss' of a new vault we setup on SAFE for you.

✅ CheckID Setup Vault service✅ Vault Delegation on Seize✅ Vault Delegation on Delegate Cash🤑 One-off fee of 0.15 eth to checkid.eth


  • Your Vault will be setup on SAFE

  • A wallet of your choice will be able to mint and get Seize allowlists on behalf of your vault

  • A wallet of your choice will be able to sign to verify ownership of assets on behalf of your vault

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 014

Setup Vault Boss

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Vault Boss is for people to never transact from their vault again.You will choose a wallet to act as the 'boss' of a new vault we setup on SAFE for you.The 'boss' wallet can receive airdrops, mint or sign to verify as if it was your vault.

✅ CheckID Setup Vault service✅ Vault Delegation on Seize✅ Vault Delegation on Delegate Cash🤑 One-off fee of 0.15 eth to checkid.eth

You can also add more wallets after setup.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 015

Meme Artist Research

Know your meme artist

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Meme Artist Research sends you deep dive research on the upcoming meme artist before mint goes live.

✅ Insight on meme artist work to date✅ Help decide whether to mint or not🤑 At least 10k rep (max 50k) must be received per person, 50,000 rep is the Meme Artist Research hurdle to

After mint, the Meme Artist Research is made public after mint and distributed to 500+ email subscribers on


  • Choose which meme artist(s) you would like insight on.

  • Send at least 10,000 rep for each [Artist Name] to

  • If at least 50,000 rep for [Artist Name] is received before mint, the Know Your Meme Artist (KYMA) deep dive gets created and distributed.

MintFace logo

CheckID Service 015

Meme Artist Research

Service provided by:

MintFace logo

Meme Artist Research sends you deep dive research on the upcoming meme artist before mint goes live.

✅ Insight on meme artist work to date✅ Help decide whether to mint or not🤑 At least 50k rep must be received per Meme Artist Research conducted.🍒 Min 10k rep and max 50k rep per person to

After mint, the Meme Artist Research is made public after mint and distributed to 500+ email subscribers on

Know Your Meme Artist deep dive will be delivered to you via Twitter DM.

If 50,000 rep hurdle isn't met, please remove your rep or redeploy to another meme artist.

The Gradient Crypto Wallet

Gradient Crypto Wallet
Gradient Crypto Wallet
Gradient Crypto Wallet

0.06529 ETH ea
2 for 0.1 ETH
includes wordlwide shipping

🍒 FREE wallet with every order for CryptoStoics

New Zealand leatherGradient eleganceYour memes

  • Bespoke tailoring by NZ's oldest leather manufacturoor. Four generations of chads.

  • Flex the wallet that reflects your network.

  • Share the meme story without your phone.

  • Exclusive drop limited to 652.9 wallet editions max.

Gradient Crypto Wallet available to order for:

    Backwards compatible with legacy forms of currency.

    Gradient Crypto Wallet
    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 016

    Gradient Crypto Wallet

    Merch provided by:

    MintFace logo

    Gradient Crypto Wallet combines the finest of New Zealand leather with refined Gradient elegance.

    ⚒️ Bespoke tailoring by New Zealand's oldest leather manufacturer. Four generations of absolute chads.🪪 Flex the wallet to reflect your network.📱 Share memes without your phone.🔥 652.9 Gradient Crypto Wallets maximum.0.06529 each or 0.1 for two wallets including worldwide shipping.🪂 FREE extra wallet with every order for CryptoStoics

    Wordlwide shipping included

    DM shipping address details to @mintfaced

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 017

    Meme Fren Feature

    Get Featured in !Seized II book

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    Meme Fren Feature gets you featured in the next !Seized II book highlighting SZN5 to SZN8 memes.

    ✅ Cement your place in history as a meme maxi.✅ Flex your tastes in memes SZN5 to SZN8.✅ See your pfp and profile in print.

    Entry Requirements

    🤑 Memetic Power Rate (MPR) memes. 🪨 -5 rep low power to +5 rep high power 🍒 'Card 227' to /mintface.🤑 Send +rep for 'Seized Fren' to bump up one persons levels by FIVE. eg: Level 10 to Level 15.


    1. Tell us your Seize profile address2. Tell us what you like to collect3. Tell us wen you joined and who you've met4. Send +rep for 'Seized Fren' to a person you you respect / admire, has helped you or you have helped join Seize.
    Level 0 to Level 5, +500 rep
    Level 20 to Level 25, 50,000 +rep
    Level 50 to Level 55, 250,000 +rep
    Level 70 to Level 75, 1.25m +rep
    Be the fren you want to see in the Digital Nation!

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 017

    Meme Fren Feature

    Get Featured in !Seized II book

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    Meme Fren Feature gets you featured in the next !Seized II book highlighting SZN5 to SZN8 memes.

    ✅ Cement your place in history as a meme maxi.✅ Flex your tastes in memes SZN5 to SZN8.✅ See your pfp and profile in print.

    Entry Requirements

    🤑 Memetic Power Rate (MPR) memes. 🪨 -5 rep low power to +5 rep high power 🍒 'Card 227' to /mintface.🤑 Send +rep for 'Seized Fren' to bump up one persons levels by FIVE. eg: Level 10 to Level 15.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 018

    Art Claim

    Claim Original 1/1 Artwork

    Art by

    MintFace logo

    Art Claim enables you to claim the original 1/1 MintFace painting by checking you are the valid owner of the NFT.

    ✅ Secures your right to claim the physical painting✅ Let's shippers know to package and prepare to ship painting to you✅ Packaging and freight costs are excluded, and quoted separately.


    1. Select your NFT(s) you wish to claim.
    2. Enter your name, email, and address.
    3. You will receive an email with tracking info wen your painting has shipped.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 018

    Art Claim

    Art by:

    MintFace logo

    Art Claim enables you to claim the original 1/1 MintFace painting by checking you are the valid owner of the NFT.

    ✅ Secures your right to claim the physical painting✅ Let's shippers know to package and ship painting to you✅ Claim Check to see if rewards still available for NFT

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 022


    Service by:

    MintFace logo

    Freight Pay for Two Burdens artworks.

    ✅ Covers international shipping from New Zealand to your destination.✅ Includes packaging and customs paper work✅ Excludes any import fees payable by receiver. Will include paid invoice with work for a nominal amount of $NZD600.

    MintFace logo
    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 019

    Setup WebPay Address

    Accept eCommerce crypto payments

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    WebPay activates your website address to receive crypto payments. eg: accept payments at

    ✅ Accept crypto payments for your ecommerce site directly to your wallet.✅ Avoid expensive merchant processing fees✅ One off setup 0.02 eth, no domain monthly fees EVER.

    WebPay compatible with domains hosted with:



    1. Decide which eCommerce site to enable for crypto payments2. Tell us wallet address3. WebPay activate your website to receive crypto payments directly4. All funds go directly to your wallet connected to your website.5. CheckID never receives any funds5. You own your WebPay address setup on Ethereum Name Service (ENS). No expiry.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 019

    Setup WebPay Address

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    WebPay activates your website address to receive crypto payments. eg: accept payments at

    ✅ Accept crypto payments for your ecommerce site directly to your wallet.✅ Avoid expensive merchant processing fees✅ One off setup 0.02 eth, no domain monthly fees EVER.

    Your WebPay address will be setup and sent to your wallet address provided.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 020

    Setup SmartDash

    Visualize Seize Data

    Service by

    MintFace logo

    SmartDash builds stats you need from Seize, in a format degens do understand.

    ✅ Get your own dashboard profile on✅ Encourage participation with the audience you seek to serve✅ Reward those who rise to the top of your dashboard✅ Show summary progress for your project

    Examples so far:
    Rank art: Memetic Power Ranking (MPR)
    Co-create a book:


    ✅ Pick and choose from SEVEN standard display data packs:1) Rep received
    2) Meme cards held
    3) Pebbles held
    4) TDH gained
    5) any data on the homepage
    6) Profile wallets
    7) Rememes held
    *Bespoke display data also available.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 020

    Setup SmartDash

    Visualize Seize Data Your Wei

    Service by

    MintFace logo

    SmartDash builds stats you need from Seize, in a format degens to understand.

    Standard display data packs:
    1) Rep received
    2) Meme cards held
    3) Pebbles held
    4) TDH gained
    5) any data on the homepage
    6) Profile wallets
    7) Rememes held

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 021

    Get !Seized in Bulk

    A box of 12 books delivered worldwide

    Service by

    MintFace logo

    !Seized Books Box delivers a dozen !Seized books for 0.25 eth to your door worldwide.

    ✅ Spread the memes gifting books to frens✅ Leave a !Seized book at business receptions after every meeting✅ Gift a book to your school's library✅ Place a copy next to your partners side of the bed


    ✅ Decide how many books you would like in boxes of 12 units.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 021

    Bulk Order !Seized Book

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    !Seized Books Box delivers a dozen or more !Seized books to your door worldwide.

    ✅ Spread the memes with frens✅ Leave a !Seized book behind in business receptions✅ Gift a book to your library✅ Place a copy next to your partners side of the bed

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 022

    Discord Setup

    Secure Your Community

    Service by

    MintFace logo

    Discord Setup keeps your artist, gaming or investment community safe.

    ✅ Secure server that prevents scammers from joining.✅ Intelligent handling of high risk posting such as links.✅ Prevention of 69+ common scams such as identity fraud.

    30+ Web3 Discords hacked since 2021 costing companies $40Million per year.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 022

    Safe Discord Setup

    Secure Your Web3.0 Community

    Service by

    MintFace logo

    Discord Setup keeps your artist, gaming or investment community safe.

    ✅ Secure server that prevents scammers from joining.✅ Intelligent handling of high risk posting such as links.✅ Prevention of 69+ common scams such as identity fraud.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 023

    Wallet Setup Blueprint

    plan your estate

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    Wallet Setup Blueprint is a PDF of your wallet setup that makes it easy on your next of kin if the unexpected happens.

    🤑 No Service fee.🤑 Optional 1x meme as a thank you to checkid.eth.


    Enter your twitter handle
    Enter your email
    The Wallet Setup Blueprint PDF template will be sent to you to print and fill out with a pen and paper.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service 023

    Wallet Setup Blueprint

    plan your estate

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    Wallet Setup Blueprint is a PDF of your wallet setup that makes it easy on your next of kin if the unexpected happens.

    🤑 No Service fee.🤑 Send any memes as a thank you to checkid.eth.

    The Wallet Setup Blueprint will be sent to the email address provided.

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Service Issuer

    Become a CheckID Issuer

    Service provided by:

    MintFace logo

    CheckID Issuers are approved individuals or organisations with a specific set of experience or credentials.CheckID Issuers receive a dedicated listing to provider a service directly to counterparties on


    In 2 - 3 sentences description the CheckID service you would like to offer, who it is for and your pricing.
